The Citgo Fueling Good Road Trip Stops By Our CES Sponsored Community Learning Center

Nov 1, 2013 | Community Betterment News

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Adam & Diego from Citgo with CLC kidsThe CITGO Fueling Good Team came to our Community Learning Center with a 12 man film and event crew to be part of our monthly Free Books For Kids Event and to film a lot of action! It was Art Abounding with bronze sculptures by Nina Winters. Gorgeous paintings by Debbie Kagan Murray. Book reading by children’s book author Karin Mesa. Piano playing by Jacques! We had face painting by the National Honors Society students, amazing portrait drawings for all, a holiday fundraiser boutique of hand-made ceramics by Judy Reed and so much more! Bess the Book Bus came by to share the day! Bess was a CITGO winner last year too! Man oh Man…What an event!

Here is what the Fueling Good Team had to say about their visit:

In constant pursuit of all that is good, Day 2 in Florida finds the Fueling Good Road Trip headed for the Community Learning Center in Clearwater. On this day, Adam & Diego read stories with kids, help match children to grade-level books, and shoot many photos with happy youngsters.

A former Fueling Good Project winner, the Community Learning Center offers free and affordable tutoring to the community. Its mission is to improve the lives of children and families through effective education, inspiration and creativity, by making learning fun, relevant and a lifelong activity. Hundreds of committed staff and volunteers have helped thousands of individuals over the years. And in fact, some of the kids who were once tutored themselves have returned to the Community Learning Center as adults to pay it forward.

Inspiring success stories like the Community Learning Center are the engine of the Fueling Good Road Trip. Adam & Diego are always moved by the extraordinary dedication of so many unsung heroes across the country. Tell us about all the people enhancing the lives of the families in your community. Hit us up on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and let’s honor those hard-working individuals who improve our quality of life.[/fusion_text][fusion_separator style_type=”none” top_margin=”” bottom_margin=”20″ sep_color=”” icon=”” width=”” class=”” id=””/][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_3″ last=”no” spacing=”yes” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” class=”” id=””][fusion_text]

Adam and Diego from the Fueling Good Roadtrip created this short video with the kids during their visit at the Community Learning Center. Enjoy!

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